Lets get serious guys and gals. Let's talk dresses.
This girl has a book launch to prepare for to which you are all invited of course...BOOK LAUNCH DETAILS This girl has to start thinking dresses.
I will be honest with you. Shopping and me do not go. For a Woman who has written two books with 'high heeled' in the title I really should be more at home on a high street. But really, I am not. I kind of detest shopping. On a spiritual level I think excess of it can be unhealthy as we while away our hours on earth always searching for the next 'thing' to take the pain away or to make us feel happy. I have been there and done that... But on a very human level I can't be bothered with the crowds, the marching store to store, the disappointment, the sore feet and the worst aspect of them all... the changing room mirrors. Yuk.
But like I say. I have an outfit to purchase, a dress to wow the crowd, a little something to shine! As much as I may feel like schlepping about in something black and baggy, it's my book launch, I gotta make an effort. I must be proud, if not of myself, but then of the wonderful universe who put the book in my head in the first place - then sat me down for hour after hour and recited the detail into my brain as I typed it out. That's a whole lotta typing that needs a little bit of a 'big up' from the typist herself!
So clearly the dress must be found. I am secretly hoping the dress will find me. If I close my eyes and will it, then maybe it may just appear... as if by magic. Stranger things have happened! Maybe this post will help. Maybe a shout out to the universe via a cyberspace blog is precisely what I need to prevent me having to trudge through those double doors, scour the aisles and depart with silly amounts of cash.
Dress buying is not as simple as it used to be when I was eighteen. First up in relation to dress buying, the book itself is highly ethical, (some may say ranty) I say ethical, opinionated too yes. So the last thing I can do is fling myself into a piece of cloth welded together by the sweat of eight year olds in Guatemala. I gotta find something uber ethical, something that reflects my desire for the world to be a better place. Primark, I am afraid, you are ruled out.
But does this mean fashion has to be expensive? I mean why should it be? To pay someone a decent wage, why would that translate massively to the consumer? Well happily it doesn't! Nor does it mean I must go clad in cheesecloth and tie dye. Happily the world is catching up and I have seen at least one contender in the great dress competition. There are a mass of online retailers touting ethical fashion, and whilst the high street is slowly catching up, I can have a massive choice of morally happy threads, without leaving my front room. If everything is spiritual, which I believe it is, then dress shopping is too. Maybe even those darned dressing room mirrors have their place! Maybe those damned mirrors have forced me to stop shopping, contemplate the ethics and eventually make the right ethical decision - all just to avoid the high street changing room! High Street 0 - Universal Magic 1!
Suddenly the world of shopping and dressing is appealing to me again. I feel a reversal to my younger self, where a dress was a dress, rather than a moral question! As for what I buy, and how it looks. I'm not sure yet? I guess I'll keep you posted, maybe even a pic before the event. Ethically sound, marvelous dress, here I come!
Oh god... an afterthought... what about the shoes... more ethical dilemmas and clothing related installments to follow from the gal hoping to turn officially vegan very soon! Eeeek!
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