Alice Grist is the author of two books. The High Heeled Guide to Enlightenment, her first book , charts Alice’s journey from party girl to sassy spiritual woman. Alice’s second book is the soon to be published The High Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living (July 2011). THHGTSL is a guide to living spiritually through the ups and downs of modern existence. Both books are published by O-Books / Soul Rocks and have attracted much reader and reviewer acclaim.

Alice Grist is the Publisher of new John Hunt Publishing Imprint - Soul Rocks Books. Soul Rocks publishes soulful and spiritual books with sass and edge.

Alice is the founder and managing editor of, an online network and magazine for soulful and spiritual living. On Soul-Cafe Alice regularly interviews and features the spiritual advice and writings of experts and authors. Soul-Cafe provides a safe, happy space for all spiritual seekers.

Alice is a frequent contributor to many magazines and online lifestyle sites, often writing about spirituality in her own quirky, accessible and fierce style. She writes a regular column - Alice's World of Woo for Haunted Magazine. She is a frequent guest on many TV and radio shows. Alice can also be found on You Tube posting under Alicebiddie...

Alice is also available for Tarot Readings and Reiki Healing. Alice teaches Meditation at local gyms in the Leicester area.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Sniffed me out some new bunnies!

I am becoming a regular Momma Doolittle. For no good reason, my fella sugested I go out and buy another rabbit today. A baby one that we could get cuddles from. Our current adopted rescue bunnies are as cute as anything you can think of, but are reluctant to be picked up. Fair enough, I just leave them to it. We all live together quite nicely. I am the food machine who locks them up at night! But for some reason today we were sorely feeling the lack of bunny love! So for no good reason, I went out in search of the perfect little wabbit.

I was on the way to a pet shop when I decided I urgently needed to go to the farm shop, and see if they had bunnies. Whilst I'd rather get my bunnies from a rescue, doing so precludes cuddles to an extent. I already have two adorable, and much loved grumps... Besides, I would hope that whatever bunny comes to me, is meant to be. So I went into the local farm shop, following my intuition, bought some super cheap free range eggs and asked if they sold pet bunnies. The women got all excited and told me that only yesterday a young lad had come in with a poster about his baby bunnies. The bonus being that the bunnies in question were not only cheaper than a pet shop, but came from a loving family home, where I know they will have been handled more often.

So I set off in my little car to the home of my predestined rabbit friends. The lady and her two sons were in the midst of mucking out their yard, which was full to the brim with bunnies of all sizes, colours and temperament no doubt! Then in the middle she had located her two little baby girls for me to choose from.

Immediately I knew this... There was no choice. I had to have them both! So Momma Doolittle purchased both her new girls and brought them home in the ladies borrowed pet carrier. The girls are now aquainted with the old fellas Gilbert and George, and thus far, things seem to have gone rather sweetly. Just a bit of sniffing and curiosity. Now they are all collapsed together in the heat of this beautiful June day!

So I followed my nose and sniffed out some bunnies. Here are the girls in question... Any name ideas welcome. I was going to go with Ga Ga and Gwen... but not sure. Though would be nice to continue the G theme! The G-Bunnies!

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