Spirituality is never clear cut. More often than not it's the 'least spiritual' things, the really bad things, that turn out to have the greatest spiritual effect upon us. In my book, The High heeled Guide to Spiritual Living, I say everything is spiritual. Every action, every word, every deed, every thought. And all these things are spiritual because we are spirit. So this makes even the least obviously spiritual things actually rather spiritual indeed. Whilst we should not actively indulge in hurtful or harmful behavior and classify it as our spiritual practice, we can look back on our lives and see how the mistakes we have made have helped mold our character and perhaps push us towards something deeper.
I don't want this post to turn into a full on confessional... But if you do want to share, then please do. If you don't, then perhaps simply contemplate your life, have a think about how your actions, even your worst actions, have helped bring you to this place you are in now. How has every bad event, word or action helped you to become a person searching for spirituality, a person looking to be better and on a path to enlightenment?
We need to accept our mistakes and errors to help us move on. And whilst we will no doubt go on to make many more mistakes, having a knowledge of the spiritual value of these mistakes can help you very much on your spiritual path.
So.... what's your foulest worst deed, your deep dark secret, your hidden shame? And in this darkness what light has been shone, what have you learned. How can you celebrate the joy that bad times have allowed through learning. How have the very worst of times and very worst of behaviors helped transform things powerfully for the very best?