Alice Grist is the author of two books. The High Heeled Guide to Enlightenment, her first book , charts Alice’s journey from party girl to sassy spiritual woman. Alice’s second book is the soon to be published The High Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living (July 2011). THHGTSL is a guide to living spiritually through the ups and downs of modern existence. Both books are published by O-Books / Soul Rocks and have attracted much reader and reviewer acclaim.

Alice Grist is the Publisher of new John Hunt Publishing Imprint - Soul Rocks Books. Soul Rocks publishes soulful and spiritual books with sass and edge.

Alice is the founder and managing editor of, an online network and magazine for soulful and spiritual living. On Soul-Cafe Alice regularly interviews and features the spiritual advice and writings of experts and authors. Soul-Cafe provides a safe, happy space for all spiritual seekers.

Alice is a frequent contributor to many magazines and online lifestyle sites, often writing about spirituality in her own quirky, accessible and fierce style. She writes a regular column - Alice's World of Woo for Haunted Magazine. She is a frequent guest on many TV and radio shows. Alice can also be found on You Tube posting under Alicebiddie...

Alice is also available for Tarot Readings and Reiki Healing. Alice teaches Meditation at local gyms in the Leicester area.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Coping with being Judged...

Today I was the 'victim' of somebody else's judgement. Ouch. Now as you know I am forever pursuing my spiritual path, I talk alot about non-reaction, and rising above etc etc, but, in spite of what I have learned- being judged still hurts. Particularly when the person in question happens to be soooo wrong about me.

Now in my books I talk a whole lot about not judging others, and really, after today, I think that this can be the easy part. It's almost easy to withhold our own opinion, or even to choose not to have an opinion. And so we presume other's find that easy too. We join spiritual sites and expect to be treated well and peacefully. But I was on such a spiritual site, when a person decided to let me have the full venom of their opinion. It was the 2nd time this same person had let me feel their wrath. The first time was based solely on the colour of my hair - they hated blondes - apparently we are all ice cold evil bitches - wowsers!

Inspite of how ridiculous this was there is something quite painful, about going about one's business, being good and kind and then someone taking a metaphorical swipe at you. Today the same person came at me again, with a whole new set of accusations. Completely untrue, but horrid and hurtful nonetheless.

One of my fave phrases is 'What you think of me is none of my business'. So I am employing that into my own personal situation. But I am still human, and whilst I may spiritually cut my cords with that person, there is still a bit of a tug, that would like to set them straight, a very human part that would like to slap back.

Instead of this, I left the group where this person dwelled. I felt unprotected and exposed there. I thanked my lucky stars that I have this lovely site, full of kind hearted people to come home to and I 'blocked' the person from my life. The facebook version of cord cutting! I am now having a little vent here, but will go on to send love and light and peace to that person, and in swift time I hope that all things inside myself rebalance themselves. I will ask for healing for me and for them. All things happen for a reason though, and so I will examine that too inside myself.

So this judgement thing... Maybe there is more than meets the eye? What reason has this happened for? My challenge is to react with unconditional love and to learn whatever I need to learn. And of course this situation has sparked this discussion, and I hope will help you guys too! So on that note let's talk! How do you cope with judgement, and what have you learned from it's occurence in your life? Please share your experiences with us, as we all learn to live in a world that is not always safe from other people's venom.

So when being judged by others... how do you cope?

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