Alice Grist is the author of two books. The High Heeled Guide to Enlightenment, her first book , charts Alice’s journey from party girl to sassy spiritual woman. Alice’s second book is the soon to be published The High Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living (July 2011). THHGTSL is a guide to living spiritually through the ups and downs of modern existence. Both books are published by O-Books / Soul Rocks and have attracted much reader and reviewer acclaim.

Alice Grist is the Publisher of new John Hunt Publishing Imprint - Soul Rocks Books. Soul Rocks publishes soulful and spiritual books with sass and edge.

Alice is the founder and managing editor of, an online network and magazine for soulful and spiritual living. On Soul-Cafe Alice regularly interviews and features the spiritual advice and writings of experts and authors. Soul-Cafe provides a safe, happy space for all spiritual seekers.

Alice is a frequent contributor to many magazines and online lifestyle sites, often writing about spirituality in her own quirky, accessible and fierce style. She writes a regular column - Alice's World of Woo for Haunted Magazine. She is a frequent guest on many TV and radio shows. Alice can also be found on You Tube posting under Alicebiddie...

Alice is also available for Tarot Readings and Reiki Healing. Alice teaches Meditation at local gyms in the Leicester area.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Tarot Card of The Week - 9 of Cups

Here is this weeks reading from me! hope it rings true for you guys and gals! Love Alice x

Things are going well. You are feeling grateful and life is good. There is much to smile about. Although perhaps underneath the bags of joy and pleasantness something seems a little amiss. You can't put your finger on it becuse otherwise everything is pretty darned fine this week.

Though perhaps this may a case of too much fun? Of course when we get overly happy, we are in danger of being carried away with the moment, we can take our eye off the ball. We can be so consumed in what we are doing and acheiving that we miss something important or vital to our continued happiness. Perhaps you are in danger of missing an opportunity that will bring all kinds of new happiness.

It may be too that you are overindulging in all the fine stuff of life, wine, choccies, nights on the tiles. Whilst indulging in fine foods and crazy evenings there could be a source of peaceful contentment that is being overlooked.

Whatever your situation, be careful that great times do not turn sour. Know that you have a lot to be happy for, but don't get too carried away with it all. Keep your mind in the game and focus! Remember that whilst parties bring great fun, it is only in the calm of our own souls that we will find peace.

I made a Vision Board!

This weekend, with time on my hands between my husbands two gigs on Saturday, I invited my friend around and we set about making a vision board each. Despite all my crazy spiritual adventures, you may be suprised to hear I have never made a vision / dream board before! Well. There is a first time for everything. So we set about cutting up a dozen or so magazines and gluing them all over a bit of card.

This is not as easy as one might first assume. There is something intrinsically powerful about this act. Suddenly I became very picky about images and words that I wanted to use to summon up my perfect future. I am a strong believer in the saying 'be careful what you wish for, it may come true'. And so it was with this in mind that I weilded my scissors with due care and attention and started to craft my collage of desired loveliness.

Making our vision boards was a very relaxing and meditative act. It is rare I sit and focus so intently on my life, and what I want. Perhaps that is wherein lies the power of the Vision Board. Because in this act of concentration I focused my mind entirely, not on what I 'think I might ' want, but on what I actually want. My friend and I spent a good couple of hours creating our boards, and every thing that went on there was mentally screened and assessed by my inner guru. Only when fully approved was the glue brought out and the scrap of paper committed to the board.

Whilst I have never done a board such as this before. I knew from my choices, that they were so completely different to what they would have been several years ago. Many of my desires revolve around the easily acheivable, and the internal things such as emotions. I was pleased to notice that I had no requirement for anything very much material (other than a future little cottage). That way heartbreak lies. Most important for me, it seems, is love, relationships, friends, pets, family, well being and my writing. Nothign else really featured. It seems I want what I more or less already have. So my vision board was like a new and improved version of my current life, though without the sleepiness and occasional stresses - of course! Oh and a few images to represent fabulous holidays thrown in - well you have to don't you!

Creating a Vision board was an enlightenment and an exercise in getting to know me, and what it is I really want! I encourage all you Soulies to get making your one too and maybe blogging about it here! Paper and a pritt stick has never been so powerful!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

A bad witch's blog: Review: High Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living

A bad witch's blog: Review: High Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living: "I review lot of books for my blog, but rarely do I find myself nodding in agreement as much as I did while reading The High Heeled Guide to..."

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

SMile and F**k the Wrinkles!

I am sat in a red dress, with hastily applied make up waiting for a photographer. A few years back, this was my ambition: to be a person photographed regularly, or a model as they are otherwise known. Today this little photo session is very much not about what I look like per se, but more about illustrating an article for a local magazine. I'm a local person and in writing my books I have become of some interest to the Shire in which I abode. Which is always lovely, but this isn't about my potential newfound and very specifically shire-d fame, it's about the whole she-bang.

Havng dashed into the house with 30 mins till photography time. I threw on a red dress - it's classy and didn't need ironing - and I haphazardly topped up my make up. In doing so I couldn't help but notice the appearance of some lovely new wrinkles! Some of you may scoff and say 'what wrinkles' but trust me, it's my face, they are there! And even though I just wrote a book ranting and raving about the beauty industry and how it makes Women feel if they do not fit the beauty and youth prescription, my heart still sank a little bit. So being the brave spiritual trooper that I am I decided that a smile would fix it all, so I smiled in the mirror, and guess what, the wrinkles got worse! You just have to laugh...

So this leaves me with a dillemma. The way I see it is I have 3 options. Be morose and sullen and in turn hope to look relatively young. This will of course lead to me obsessed with how I may look, concerned wholly with externals and drastically avoiding any and all humor for fear I may lapse and allow the old crows feet out of the (old) bag. There is of course the option of Botox. Nope to that. So the final option is of course, smile and F**k the wrinkles.

Guess which option I chose?

So if you see a slightly frayed version of my younger self, happily peering out of the pages of a glossy local social mag, you know why. Looks, youth and smooth undereyes are a passing trend, they have an expiry date. Compared to our souls and our wisdom they are but a blip. So with this in mind we should all just smile and F**k the wrinkles! We are more our souls than we will ever know, and the externals be they warped, frayed, wrinkled or flumpy are perfect. They are our perfect little well worn homes. They keep our soul housed and wasting time on major renovations, money on nip tucks and tears and frustrations on ravages of time is time, money and tears wasted! You are beautiful, and your imperfections are too!

On that note... where is this photographer, I'm not getting any younger...

Saturday, 2 July 2011

New Moon July 2011

Ok guys and gals I'm feeling this one already. Currently all I wanna do is go and hide in my bed. There has been a lot go going on in my life lately, some really fabulous things, but I'm feeling a massive urge to take those things to my bed and absorb them properly whilst I sleep.

I believe this is the result of the New Moon, and a continuation from the recent full moon and lunar eclipse. I feel there is a pattern of monns at the moment that is causing much ructions in our emotional and mental wellbeing. this is not necessarilly a bad thing, just a transit we need to pass through to come out more fully ourselves... I also find myself harping back to the past, wondering about things that have happened and wandering around those events in my brain, and relatign them to where I am now.

New Moons are invisible in the sky, and as such they represent the need to hide away, take things in, pause before action... They represent the correlation of the past with the present and give us space to bring all those things into the present moment. They give us a chance to breathe.

Take some time out today to be alone. To meditate, listen to music, ponder on the past and the present. There is no need to plan an outcome, just be. Allow life to catch up with you.

How is this new moon affecting you?

My second book is now available!

Woke up this morning to discover that people have been receiving their pre-ordered copies of The HIgh Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living. This is all a little premature as the launch parties and signings are not till the end of the month! However this happened with my first book too, so I was half expecting it!

So I guess I'd like to welcome my little piece of writing to the public, she has spread her wings and taken flight, when her momma wasn't looking! Good luck girl, you're on your own now!

If you would like to order a copy then Amazon seems to be the place, although other sites are equally as good and no doubt equally as premature!